"Empower Futures: Young Guardians of Ethical AI"



  • Fairness

  • Accountability

  • Inclusivity

  • Responsibility

  • Safety

  • Transparency

  • Ethics

  • Privacy

Roles and Responsibilities

Join Team today, choose your role from below and we will train you to do your part

Leadership Roles

Group Coordinator (FAIR Leader)

  • Responsibilities: Oversee group operations, coordinate between teams, set goals, and ensure alignment with the FAIR STEP principles.

Ethics and Responsibility Officer (STEP Guardian)

  • Responsibilities: Guide the group on ethical considerations and responsibility issues, stay updated on legal and societal changes regarding AI, and ensure all activities adhere to ethical standards.

Core Teams

Fairness Advocacy Team

  • Responsibilities: Research and identify biases in AI systems, develop strategies to promote fairness in AI development, and create educational content on the importance of fairness.

Accountability Action Team

  • Responsibilities: Develop guidelines for holding AI developers and users accountable, engage with policymakers on accountability standards, and create awareness campaigns.

Inclusivity Initiatives Team

  • Responsibilities: Ensure diverse representation in AI development processes, promote AI solutions that cater to underrepresented groups, and organize inclusivity workshops.

Safety Strategy Team

  • Responsibilities: Assess AI technologies for safety risks, develop best practices for safe AI deployment, and educate the community on AI safety.

Transparency Task Force

  • Responsibilities: Advocate for transparent AI algorithms and data usage, work on projects to increase understanding of AI processes among the public, and liaise with companies to promote openness.

Ethics Education Team

  • Responsibilities: Develop ethics training for AI developers, create resources on ethical AI use for the public, and organize ethical dilemmas discussions to foster critical thinking.

Privacy Protection Team

  • Responsibilities: Monitor AI developments for privacy implications, educate on data protection best practices, and advocate for strong privacy regulations in AI applications.